Cozy & Joy Book Box - The Rosie Project
For this project I curated a book box centred around the theme "Cozy & Joy".  I decided to theme the colour palette and included items around the book I selected, the Rosie Project by Graeme Simion.  I designed the card that accompanied the items as well as the sticker labels for the gummies and nuts that were included in the box.  

This involved creating a pleasing font pairing, creating the copy for the card, organising information based on informational typographic hierarchy, and drawing the graphic elements on both the card and sticker labels. I used Procreate for this project. 
The fonts used are: 
- Campagne & Limousines Regular for the Title text.
- Aleovera Regular for the Headings and Subheadings.
- Denangari Sangam MN Regular  for the Paragraph text.
Giveaway Book Box  - The Rose Code 
This book box was a giveaway I designed for my bookstagram account @betwixtbooks.  The book I chose was the Rose Code by Kate Quinn. For this box my focus was on creating a cohesive box that told a story with bookish goodies that suited the Rose Code theme and the book lover aesthetic. I curated items from Etsy and Instagram artists.  Because the giveaway recipient was known I also tailored it to suit their reading style.  The card write up was double sided and designed on Canva.
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